Tuesday, December 7th 2010
good afternoon :)
today is a very special day for me and the world
today is my birthday, my 5th months anniversary with Momo and Moslem's new year :)
what a greatfully day! i'm so glad to hear that today, there are 3 special events happen!
may God bless today :)
first, thanks to my beloved God, Allah SWT for everything! Alhamdulillahirrabbil'alamin
thanks to my lovely mom for 15years grows me with all of your love
thanks to Binar Suryo Sukmo Darmosarkoro for being the first person who says "Happy Birthday" i love last midnight!
thanks to ALL of my friends, ALL of the strangers for your greetings :) i like that :)
thanks to who gives me a BIG birthday cake, full of chocolate, real blackforest :)
thanks to the world, you give me so many lessons about you for this 15years
i would pray God for this moment, here the prayer of the day :
"Ya Allah, terimakasih sudah memberiku semuanya selama 15tahun
Engkau memberiku kebahagiaan, kesedihan, segalanya yg perlu aku tahu
Engkau banyak sekali memberiku cinta dan kasih sayang yg aku butuhkan melalui orang2 disekitarku
Berkahilah hari ini untuk semua orang, sehingga semua orang bisa merasakan kebahagiaan yg sama denganku
Lindungilah mereka yg aku sayangi, aku cintai
Di umurku yg ke 15 tahun ini, aku ingin menjadi seseorang yg lebih baik lagi
Semua yg aku inginkan dan aku butuhkan tercapai dengan sukacita
Ya Allah, terimakasih karena Engkau masih membiarkan aku melihat dunia
Aku mohon, sukseskanlah aku di setiap apa2 yg aku lakukan
Sukseskanlah aku dalam Ujian Nasional dan Ulangan Akhir Semester 1
Permudah jalanku agar bisa membanggakan semua orang yg menyayangiku
Ya Allah so many words i couldn't say to describe my feeling right now
i just hope and pray, the happiness surrounds me and everyone around me, Amin"
that's all my prayer of the day, on my birthday exactly hehe
makasih buat Barry Likumahuwa udah ngucapin Happy Birthday lewat twitter! i love your songs! you are my favorite jazz singer!
sekian dulu postingan buat hari spesial ini, bingung mau nulis apaan lagi
kehabisan kata-kata hahahaha goodbye all :)
God bless you ! loveyaaaaaaa :)
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